Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Posting Comments

I know that some of you have tried to post comments but have not been able to.

The process is easier than it appears to be.

Go down to where it says "Comments." That would be directly below the entry.

Click on "Comments" and you will come to an area where you can type your comment.

When you are done and ready to post it, there is an area called "Comment As."

This area gives you a few choices to post your comment as (I don't know why this is part of this process, and it appears that this is what is causing all the trouble).

The choices are:
Open ID

If you have a Google account, simply hit Google and you will be set. If you don't, you can get a Google account, and you don't have to get a Gmail account. I have done that, and my login, by the way, is my Yahoo address!

If you don't choose that option, you can use the others.

If you don't fall under any of those categories, try Open ID.

Then hit "Post Comment" or "Preview," if you want to read over what you have written, and VOILA!, the message should be posted.

If you have tried all the options and continue to have problems posting your thoughts, please let me know.


  1. Here is my comment. I am saving my comment as Larry (Google), and then I am hitting "Post Comment."

  2. And yes, it did work perfectly. Simple as that.



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